From left:
Rabbi Moshe Silberhaft, Leon Cohen, Rael Salkinder, Jules Katz,
Anthony Rabie, Barney Horwitz, Goldie Mehl and Rael Codron after the
quadruple barmitzvah celebration in Kimberley
A barmitzvah with a
difference took place in Kimberley, Northern Cape, last Shabbat when
four celebrants – all of whom were well beyond the customary age of
13 years – were put through their paces. Goldie Mehl, 83-year-old
president of the Griqualand West Hebrew Congregation (Kimberley shul),
celebrated his “second barmitzvah” along with Jules Katz – both
having attained the age of 13 years beyond the biblical three-score
and ten.
Leon Cohen, 75, did not have a barmitzvah as he was suffering from
meningitis at the relevant age. Anthony Rabie, also a first-timer
who is in his forties and has recently begun returning to his Jewish
roots, completed the unusual foursome.
Capetonian Rael Codron, 25, a doctor who is completing his community
service at Kimberley Hospital and acts as the congregation’s
spiritual leader, trained the group. Katz read the Maftir, and Mehl
the Haftarah. Rabie was honoured as “revi’i” (the fourth person
called to the Torah) while Cohen delivered the D’var Torah. All were
presented with “Sefer Barmitzvah” certificates and Artscroll
siddurim – the traditional gifts on such occasions.
Rabbi Moshe Silberhaft, country communities’ rabbi of the South
African Jewish Board of Deputies who attended the celebration,
pronounced the enthusiasm surrounding it “wonderful”. “When Leon
Cohen finished his part, his wife got up and started to throw sweets
at him,” he said, referring to the customary activity.
“His daughter came from Toronto and his son from Cape Town and Jules
Katz’s children came from all over the country.”
Codron said there had not been a barmitzvah at the 102-year-old shul
for “probably 20 years, so it’s just a wonderful time to have a
celebration. It’s an ageing community, so we have funerals and
consecrations and our annual Jewish functions, but never personal
milestones – the last wedding was in 1991.”
Codron is the fourth in a line of Jewish doctors to have come to do
their housemanships at the hospital. They perform the dual role of
doctor/reverend, serving the general as well as the Jewish
population and have led a revival of Jewish life in this dwindling
44-strong community.
“We have an agreement with the hospital and they know that a Jewish
doctor will perform both roles.” Amazingly, they in fact give
preference to Jewish doctors as a favour to the Jewish community,
Codron says.
“It’s mutually beneficial,” he adds. “The community needs us and we
need a Jewish community – it’s a wonderful programme.” So much so,
that Codron and fellow doctor Rael Salkinder decided to stay on in
the city for their “community service” year.
Silberhaft pays tribute to Barney Horwitz, chairman of the
congregation, whose brainchild the scheme was. “It’s thanks to him
and his dedication that the community has carried on for so long –
it would have been defunct ages ago.”
Horwitz describes the celebration itself as a “great morale booster”
both to the individuals involved and the community. “The ‘second
barmitzvah’ is a wonderful idea – it gives people in their senior
years a feeling of worth and a new meaning to life.
“We had 65 people attending from a community that normally turns out
15 men on a Friday evening – this meant a great deal.”
Commenting on the “doctor-reverend” scheme, he said he thought it
had been a “great experience” for those involved. “I think that
they’ve come to Kimberley as young doctors and they’ve left here not
only as experienced doctors but as well-rounded men.”
Codron has also taken on the ceremonial role as representative of
the Jewish community concomitant with his religious duties. This has
seen him attend the opening of the Northern Cape provincial
parliament, bless the health minister and meet the country’s
president. |