month, Jewish community stalwarts Dr Bernie and Rhebe Tatz of
Bulawayo each received recognition for their respective
contributions over many years, made respectively in the medical and
in the arts field, to the greater Zimbabwean community. Dr Tatz was
given a special award by the Zimbabwe Medical Association “for
outstanding service and lifetime contribution to the Health delivery
system, Medical Fraternity and Community of Matabeleland and
Zimbabwe in general”. The award was presented at an annual dinner /
dance of the Medical Association.
In another ceremony, the Bulawayo Art Gallery named one of its
galleries “The Rhebe Tatz Gallery”, with Mr Eric Bloch paying
tribute to her for all her work as Chairman of the Friends of the
Rabbi Moshe Silberhaft, Spiritual Leader to the African Jewish
Congress, said that the work of the Tatz’s epitomized more than a
century of Jewish contributions to Zimbabwe, and that the awards
made to them underlined how this was appreciated within the country
as a whole.
“What this public recognition of what Bernie and Rhebe has shown is
that despite all the turmoil that Zimbabwe is going through,
Zimbabwean institutions and the man on the street continue to be
aware of and appreciate what Jews have done and continue to do for
their country” he said.
Bernie and Rhebe Tatz have also both been prominently involved in
Jewish communal affairs in Zimbabwe. Bernie was a leading light
within the Central African Jewish Board of Deputies for over forty
years and was a founding vice-chairman of the African Jewish
Congress. Rhebe has likewise been involved in Jewish and Zionist
activities, and is currently President of the Zimbabwe Women’s
Zionist Council. |