Chanukah in Klerksdorp – December 2010
On Wednesday evening, Chanukah lights were kindled in thousands of homes and shuls in all the main Jewish centres countrywide. Klerksdorp Jewry, too, came together to celebrate the festival, showing that in the smaller country centres as well, the light of Chanukah would shine proudly forth. Over sixty participated, comprising a substantial proportion of a community now numbering some thirty families. They were joined by Issie and Bettie Kotzen, who travelling from neighboring Potchefstroom for the occasion. Sam Kramer, doyen of the Klerksdorp community, led the Mincha and Maariv services in the shul. The congregation then moved on to the communal hall, where Rabbi Moshe Silberhaft, Spiritual Leader the Country Communities, lit the first candle and was then joined by all in the singing of the traditional Maoz Tzur. Rabbi Silberhaft also spoke at the communal dinner that followed, elaborating on various aspects of the festival and the deeper meaning of the lighting of the Chanukah candles. He took the opportunity to congratulate the leadership for keeping the weekday Mincha and maariv service going every evening without fail. The dinner was catered by the local ladies guild, which ensured that the traditional Chanukah latkes were included on the menu. |