Not much happens “Jewish wise” in Pietermaritzburg. Except
on Friday night when we have a service in our home.
Sometimes we have 7 people sometime 5 and even less.
Friday night on the 9th November we had a full house. This was because on Sunday the 11th November was to be our grandson Raymond’s Bar mitzvah, son of Malcolm and Lalia Acutt. With the thoughtful and helpful assistance of our Rabbi to Country Communities Rabbi Moshe Silberhaft this Mitzvah took place. Rabbi Moshe and Chaim Ehrlich brought down a beautiful Sefer Torah. To have a Torah in ones home, this too was a blessing to blow the mind. To see all the men putting on tefillin together. What wonderful memories we have in our home. Seeing Raymond with his Grandpa Alan, his Dad and everyone sending out waves of encouragement. This cannot be described in mere words. Raymond was prepared for his Barmy by Kelvin Melville, a young man who is devoted to his Jewish studies. We had 70 visitors from far and wide, and for a while, we buzzed with Yiddishkite. We managed to get our kosher herrings, bagels smoked salmon etc from Johannesburg and we managed a kosher affair. Our other grandchildren are now looking forward to doing the same. We cannot thank Rabbi Moshe enough for all his efforts and encouragement. May Hashem bless us once more. Adele Gould (A proud Bobba) |