A visibly moved Rabbi
Moshe Silberhaft during his visit to the historic airport,
standing at the spot where Lt -Col. Yonatan
Netanyahu was shot
In November this year, Ugandans and Israelis, as well as a
delegation from South Africa, will be coming together to commemorate
the thirtieth anniversary of one of the most famous episodes in the
ongoing saga of the war against international terrorism, the Israeli
raid on Entebbe Airport. On 4 July 1976 Israeli commandos, lead by
Lt-Colonel Yonatan Netanyahu, successfully stormed the airport to
rescue over a hundred mainly Jewish hostages held by pro-Palestinian
hijackers supported by the Ugandan army. Netanyahu, who was fatally
wounded during the attack, was the only Israeli casualty, while all
six hijackers and dozens of Ugandan soldiers, as well as three of
the hostages, were killed.
Participants in the November commemoration will include former
Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, brother of Yonatan.
During his visit, he will deliver a lecture on international
terrorism at Kampala University.
The devastated airport was never rebuilt by the Ugandan
administration of the time and instead a new terminal building was
erected. The present Ugandan government, on the initiative of
President Yoweri Museveni, has now embarked on a comprehensive
conservation project, including converting some of the original
buildings into a museum. The latter will include the terminal where
the hostages were held and the original control tower. Another
feature will be an eight foot-high plaque telling the story of the
famous episode raid and bearing the Israeli and Ugandan flags. Other
neighboring buildings will be demolished to make way for a new hotel
to accommodate visitors to the site.
One of the members of both the airport restoration and 30th
anniversary commemoration committees is Rabbi Moshe Silberhaft,
Spiritual Leader to the African Jewish Congress. Rabbi Silberhaft
was in Kampala last week, where he met with members of the local
organizing committee and with Emanuel Siri, Israeli Ambassador to
Nairobi who is also responsible for Uganda. He said that he had been
particularly moved by his visit to the historic airport, where he
stood at the spot where Yonatan Netanyahu was shot.
While in Kampala, Rabbi Silberhaft also addressed the 37 members of
the local Jewish community. All of the latter are Israeli
businessmen temporarily located in the country. They do not have any
formal community structure, but come together for Yamim Tovim and
Yom Ha'atzma'ut. |