Jewish generosity strikes grateful chord in George - December 2011
THE RECENT SABC documentary on “Travelling Rabbi” Moshe Silberhaft, which included the plight of needy children, struck a chord with Beulah Hyman of Glenhazel in Johannesburg,
so much so that she promptly knitted an entire box of baby clothes and presented it to Rabbi Silberhaft for distribution to a deserving cause during his travels.
Just two weeks later, he visited the George Child and Family Welfare Centre with the centre’s chairman, Myron Rabinowitz, a former ANC town councillor and president and chairman respectively of the George Hebrew Congregation and the newly launched Garden Route Jewish Association. Rabbi Silberhaft presented the garments to Sue du Toit, director of child welfare in the town. The Child and Family Welfare Centre provides job creation and training. Forty-one people work there on a daily basis, making handcraft and saleable goods for their shop on the premises. There are five crèches, as well as safe houses for abused children in George. Through Sianne Green of Johannesburg, Bnei Akiva has become involved in painting three of the venues, as well as entertaining older children at the youth movement’s nearby campsite. “We are so grateful to Sianne and Bnei Akiva,” said Du Toit. |